Project Refresh

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Help Ukrainian Teenagers Build Resilience and Leadership Skills
Inspirational Fundraising

Valued supporter and alumni Heather Black (Scott 383) has been volunteering at a refugee centre in Romania where she has met many incredible teenagers who have had their lives and their stability disrupted by the war in Ukraine.

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60 Years of Outward Bound NZ - The Story So Far
News from Anakiwa

Since the first Outward Bound School was established in Wales, over 40 schools have been established in more than 30 countries worldwide. Outward Bound New Zealand has run courses at Anakiwa since 1962, touching the lives of over 70,000 participants.

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Hamish Reid - Our New School Director
News from Anakiwa

Hamish has been OB’s Health & Safety Manager in Anakiwa for the past 6 years. A total stalwart of the outdoor education industry, Hamish brings a massive amount of mana and experience to the role.

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John's OB art rehabilitation
Life after OB

John has been reflecting back on his course in 1994 and combining his OB learnings with his art talent as a form of rehabilitation from his previous addictions. 

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Harsha's Hitch for Hope
Inspirational Life after OB

OB alumni Harsha Guntakala hitchhiked the length of NZ with 5 others to raise funds for mental health. Together they raised nearly $60k! He shares how OB inspired him to fundraise for this important cause.

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Sid's Tribute to Cobham 678

Classic alumni Sid Malhi from Auckland blew us away with her ‘tribute to Cobham 678’ video. If you’ve done a Classic course – this is going to bring back all the feels.

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Sadness at the passing of our Patron Sir David Levene

It is with a huge amount of sadness that we share the news that our Patron Sir David Levene has passed away, aged 92.

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Inspiring Alumni - Kimberley Wallace
Inspirational Life after OB

We catch up with alumni Billy Wallace whose life choices have been defined by her 21 day OB journey in 1995. Home for Billy is currently on Macquarie Island where she works for the Australian Antarctic Division as a Survival Training Instructor.

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Inspiring Alumni - Arthur Tompkins

Arthur Tompkins clearly doesn’t do things by halves: a district court judge, art crime specialist and eight-time Coast to Coast competitor, it's no surprise that he has also completed three OB courses over 40 years!